It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Consumer Reports drops obvious-bomb? AT&T is the worst carrier ever, ever, ever, amen

Dwight Silverman on “Consumer Reports: AT&T is the worst carrier”

These results have got to sting for AT&T, which has spent billions of dollars in the last few years beefing up its network. As far as Consumer Reports’ readers go, they’re apparently seeing the company’s network get worse, not better.

Yesh. That’s… ummm… telling? Yes, yes I think “telling” is the word I’m looking for here. And in response, from AT&T:

We take this seriously and we continually look for new ways to improve the customer experience. The fact is wireless customers have choices and a record number of them chose AT&T in the third quarter, significantly more than our competitors. Hard data from independent drive tests confirms AT&T has the nation’s fastest mobile broadband network with our nearest competitor 20 percent slower on average nationwide and our largest competitor 60 percent slower on average nationwide. And, our dropped call rate is within 1/10 of a percent – the equivalent of just one call in a thousand – of the industry leader.


“Yes. Yes we are scared shitless about Verizon getting the damned iPhone.”

[sloshes tumbler of Courvoisier clumsily, stumbles over ottoman, lodges foot in open mouth of bearskin rug]

“See? We can be honest. We can cryyyy. What do you think of us now, bitches?”

In terms of handsets, Samsung’s Galaxy S series cleaned up… behind iPhone, that is, which Consumer Reports still refuses to recommend.