It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Local Boy Cleans Up Nice: Profiled by Benevolent Ning Dictators


I’ve been talking with my man Brad Trnavsky for what seems like years about his need for Internet Greatness. But, Brad isn’t a would-be pornographer, as far as I know, and he doesn’t have any direct connection to the Revision3 Internet Mafia Clubhouse.

He’s a sales guy. And a geek.

So about four months ago he moved from to Ning and launched his sales media empire, I’ll be damned if people didn’t start subscribing.

Today, Ning reps surprised Brad by profiling SM20 on the front page of, and gave him a bit of love on the Ning profile blog. If you’re in the sales game, this is a site you should join. It’s highly focused and growing nicely!