It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Letter to MySpace: We had a good thing, once.

On August 1, 2007, I broke up with my employer. There’s another post in me on that point, and it has something to do with why I haven’t posted here in exactly that long. But for now, I need to talk about MySpace. Because today, I broke up with her, too.

And it’s not because I was down-sizing my social relationships. In fact, I’ve upsized — at least in raw numbers. No, I broke up with MySpace because… well… I think she’s been cheating on me.

She hasn’t sent me a substantive message in months. All I get, every single day, are messages from other people she’s seeing, people hawking their bodily goods online, wanting to be my BFF. There was a time, not long ago, where people from my deepest past would find me on MySpace, would reach out to me, touch me in some new way. Not so, any longer.