It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

How are you using MoveableType

How are you using MT?

Thanks for asking, Mena.

I’m not a developer. I don’t offer any commercial blogs. Since taking up with MoveableType over a year ago, I’ve set up two blogs for myself (since consolidated into one), a blog for my dad, a blog for the Community Higher Education Consortium for Oregon and SW Washington (a non-profit alliance of accredited colleges and universities improving education communication of non-traditional students), and a blog for the alumni of my college a cappella group (again, non-commercial). I have one other blog that’s still hosted on blogspot (never made the transition to MT — laziness — a team blog on switching to the Mac).

By my count, that’s six blogs total (five, if you count my merged personal blogs). My concern is not so much the number of blogs in the license — I could rationalize that the CHEC blog and my dad’s blog aren’t really mine per se, even though I run them. That would take me down to three. It’s really the author’s limits. The Education blog has 7 authors now and is likely to go up to 9 in the fall — one author accounts for each member of the committee leadership council. We don’t actually have any money, we don’t take dues, and we’re ethical. We just wouldn’t be able to justify MT3.0, and that’s the bummer.

The Mac blog is a team blog, but there are only two of us on the team right now. I can see going to 3-5, but no more than that.

I guess my big request would be 5 blogs, multiple authors (up to 10 is some nice breathing room), non-commercial. I’ll jump through other hoops for you to help you make your nut, and I’ll even pay the $60 bucks, but I just need a healthy multiple-author component.

Again, thanks for asking. And congratulations on the developer release.