It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

“Tower Stories” hits shelves [update]

Received this from a dear friend. Thank you, Damon, and congratulations on a job well done.

Dear friends,

I’m proud to announce the publication of Tower Stories: the Autobiography of September 11th. Foreword by Tom Kean, Chairman of the 9/11 Commission.

This book presents interviews I conducted with survivors, witnesses, volunteers, paramedics, policemen, firemen, political experts, and family members immediately after 9/11. My goal was to create the most comprehensive first-person oral history available so that September 11th might always be remembered as it really happened. In this way, we might come to a deeper degree of understanding . . . what happened that day, why it happened, and how we are forever changed.

“This volume defends the understanding, as also the horror, of that day. We are indebted to mr. dimarco for the effort and for the editorial acuity.” – William F. Buckley

Portions of the book’s proceeds will be donated to a worthy charity founded by a victim of the attack.

Tower Stories will be available in bookstores everywhere in hardcover from Revolution Publishing by late August; advanced orders can be placed now on Amazon and Barnes and

Best wishes,

Damon DiMarco


Looks like there’s a signing coming up…

There will be a book signing for Tower Stories at Rocky Sullivan’s bar (129 Lex between 28 and 29th) in conjunction with Shakespeare and Co. at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, the 25th of August. Copies of the book will be available, and of course, the bar will be open. Hope you can attend.