It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Hanging out at the Potty with Sophie

I haven’t written much about Sophie lately. Come to think of it, I haven’t written much about nuthin lately. And I think, as irony would have it, that’s because there’s simply so much going on. 

Rather than boil it all down and catch up the annals of history with detail, I’ll boil it down to this. Sophie is 17 months old, and this morning, she went to the bathroom by herself. She was running around naked while Kira and I were getting ready for the day when she disappeared for a few minutes. She came back into the room clapping and saying “YayYayYayYay!” Kira went into the bathroom and came back hollering, “She gets it, She gets it, She gets it!” Which might as well have been “YayYayYay!” We all stood around the toilet and waved “Bye” at the pee as it flushed away. 

These kids, they’re pretty amazing little creatures. 

I’m trying to get back into the habit of blogging more. Part of the problem is with the other two blogs that I run and the cat-wrestling that I go through daily to teach the others on the team that they need to participate. Kicking and screaming, I tell you, they WILL come into the now. Anyhow, I think I’ve just had a hard time focusing on the personal stuff to write here. And it’s worse than that — I’ll be browsing along and find something that I really do have a comment on, and I’ll say something to myself like, “Man, I should really say that out loud.” Then, I’ll close the tab and keep on browsing. It’s as if there’s a fundamental disconnect between my brain and my blog fingers. 

At least I don’t feel too left out of the world while wearing my Blogger Hoodie. What a great sweatshirt that is.