It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Apple Rears its Ugly Head

Amazing. I got back from vacation to this in my inbox:

Damon Wright –

I was busy being horrified by a creation “science” site when I discovered this libelous material about you:

Whether or not you are a creationist, I doubt you would like what they say. They should not be free to damage the reputation of an individual.


Full Text:

ADDENDUM VI (8/29/2002): I feel it is necessary to report here — especially since this page continues to be referenced by those concerned about anti-Christian propaganda — that Apple Computers’ desire to convert people to the religion of Evolutionism has become more overt in recent months with their “Switch” campaign. This advertising blitz uses what they insist are “normal” people (although I wouldn’t call a beatnik writer or a drugged-out teen normal people, but I guess this is Apple’s hippy roots resurfacing,) to try and convince people to Switch from being decent Christians to crypto-Evolutionists in some sort of bizarre perversion of Christian Witnessing. (I personally have not seen any of these ads on the TV, but perhaps that is because the good folks at the PAX Network have made the wise decision to not air this cultural filth. The ads can, however, be viewed in all their propagandistic glory on the Apple website for you students of cultic mind-control.) Although called “Switch”, this campaign is actually “Bait and Switch”, luring the average, unsuspecting person with the false promise of “compatibility” (both with normal computers and Christianity) only to later foist acceptance of Evolutionism and anti-Christian values on them via the techniques discussed above.

Update 2024-01-20.

In going through these old posts to resurrect the blog, I wanted to point to the latest work of the “Drugged-out teen,” Ellen Feiss, or should I say, Dr. Ellen Feiss, Assistant Professor, Art History at Prividence College. The “beatnik writer” has come around, too, turns out.