It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Bush and “Meet the Press”

I didn’t see the interview, but if the CNN recount is to be believed, it wreaks of back-peddling.

Bush was asked by moderator Tim Russert whether his statement on the night the U.S. began the war in Iraq that intelligence “leaves no doubt” that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was “apparently, not the case.” The president responded, “Correct.”

But Bush said Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein “had the ability to make weapons at the very minimum.”

And on his willingness to cooperate with his shiny new commission on intelligence?

Bush said he’d be glad to visit, but not testify before the commission.

As a voter, I don’t care what you say about his military record. He was honorably discharged from service and because I trust the military more than I trust the man himself, I have to believe it was a just discharge. But the mania with which this man has pursued all out war against a country with such limited support continues to call into question his ability to lead.

When he finished the interview with Russert, the President adjourned to the south lawn for some exercise.