It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Quake 2 AbSIRD Project

Q2Absird 15Hat’s off to Lewey Geselowitz. I never played Quake 2 — believe it or not, I was a Deep Space 9 guy — but this is the coolest mod I’ve seen for a game yet. Crazy, crazy — I actually expect a dragon to pop out, or an American eagle, or Pamela Anderson.

“Quake II AbSIRD is a modification of the standard Quake II rendering engine so that it can create SIRDS instead of normal 3D environments. This means that you can play Quake II just as you normally would (single player, network play, most mods, etc) except all the 3d objects and characters will jump out at you with the full 3D power of SIRDS.”

Jump out, yeah. I still can’t quite figure out how your visual acuity is affected by mutants with chainsaws. I know my reaction time ain’t that great.

Quake 2 AbSIRD at Lewey’s World