It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Online Video Game Addiction

Game AddictionLooks like one of our own is making good in gamespace — here is a nice article from Jesse Upchurch on video game addiction that just hit I’ve been playing a ton of Second Life lately — not to mention my latest re-discovery of XBox Live.

In these games, the player takes on the role of an avatar that ventures through an elaborate fantasy world and interacts with other real players and NPCs (non-playing characters). The attraction of this genre of games can sometimes lead to players feeling the need to play even to the detriment of other aspects of their life. This leads to a question that many have debated and are still debating today: is it possible to be addicted to an online video game?

I didn’t think it was possible to be addicted to the games. Sure, I play hours upon hours of “Gears of War” online, but no — not until I introduced my father in law to Zuma did I realize the true danger of online gaming to humanity.