It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Tiburon Police Department moves ahead with the whole pre-crime thing

You know what’s awesome? Groupthink.

From the Oxford American Dictionary:

groupthink |ˈgroōpˌθi ng k|
noun – the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility : there’s always a danger of groupthink when two leaders are so alike.

But dictionary people are always so … clinical. This definition doesn’t address — doesn’t even touch — the sense of warmth that comes from a good session of groupthink. You all know what I’m talking about; it’s that sense of calm that settles on a meeting once everyone has realized that the solution doesn’t offend anyone. In the room. So it must be right. Right?

So, you’re thinking about groupthink. Now, think about Tiburon, California. Tiburon sits on a peninsula on the northern end of the San Fransisco Bay. From there, looking south, you can see the city of San Francisco jutting out across the water. There are only two roads leading in or out of Tiburon. It’s idyllic. It never rains, the people are always happy, and being surrounded by water on three sides, the lapping waves drown out the sound of the poor coming from Oakland.