KFC’s Bacon Sandwich On Fried Chicken “Bread” Starts Killing People Nationwide April 12 – The Consumerist

KFC’s Bacon Sandwich On Fried Chicken “Bread” Starts Killing People Nationwide April 12

Here’s a horrific bit of something:

For those coming late to the story, it’s bacon and cheese sandwiched between two pieces of fried chicken. And now, many months later, I’ll finally be able to get my hands on one.

KFC announced the decision to go live with the Double Down yesterday, but we weren’t sure they weren’t playing a April Fools gag. But no, they truly are going nationwide with the delicacy on April 12.

I’m still holding out for the April Fools gag. There’s someone at KFC who has to have forgotten to make a call to someone important. This is the sort of thing that’s just wickedly funny after a bottle or two of cabernet, but just not so clever the next morning.