It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Ning phasing out free networks

From Jason Rosenthal’s email to network creators this afternoon:

As long-time Network Creators, you no doubt already see the value of Ning. We intend to focus our efforts 100% on meeting your needs and building the features you’ve requested. The phasing out of free services won’t happen until July, and we’ll be providing those who can’t join us with a clear migration path at that time.

Well. It’s good to know that now, after years in service, they’re going to start meeting our needs.

All snark aside, I think this is probably a good move for the company as the reality of the Free Market Culture sets in and more and more organizations realize it’s time to, you know, make some money. Ning has been a terrific tool for many of my clients, but once you hit the ceiling on functionality, you’re locked up. API access is coming, apparently, which is good for developers, and more flexibility in custom designs, too.

Which is all great. But I just got off the phone with the owner of a terrific Ning network looking to move the site and all his members to a new platform in the wake of all the changes and the deteriorating service over the last year. And he is already a paying customer.

I hope they can pull it together and that the new premium model isn’t a day late, dollar short.

Cause migrating networks is a massive pain.