It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

The Third Way: A Narrowly Tailored Broadband Framework –

The Third Way: A Narrowly Tailored Broadband Framework –

Here’s the latest framework from Julius Genachowski. I’ve only just skimmed it, but so far some interesting comments re the Comcast decision which so horrendously knee-capped the FCC.

One, the Commission could continue relying on Title I “ancillary” authority, and try to anchor actions like reforming universal service and preserving an open Internet by indirectly drawing on provisions in Title II of the Communications Act (e.g., sections 201, 202, and 254) that give the Commission direct authority over entities providing “telecommunications services.”

Two, the Commission could fully “reclassify” Internet communications as a “telecommunications service,” restoring the FCC’s direct authority over broadband communications networks but also imposing on providers of broadband access services dozens of new regulatory requirements.

I have serious reservations about both of these approaches.

From the sound of it, no one is happy about the FCC’s latest direction, least of which is the FCC. Worth reading if you have even a remote interest in access and fair practice in broadband.