It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Cooks Source likely calls it quits in cut and paste storm

Cooks Source Publisher Statement

The bad news is that this is probably the final straw for Cooks Source. We have never been a great money-maker even with all the good we do for businesses. Having a black mark wont help…and now, our black mark will become our shroud. Winters are bleak in Western New England, and as such they are bleak for Cooks Source as well. This will end us. In the end if we did keep going, I would (very gladly) hire someone else to serve as editor and just continue my work with the towns. You should know that I did have an interview last week and the reporter grilled me seriously. I was able to show him all the promo books and articles we receive, all the photos we take and the “clip art” that is free for everyone. I also showed him those emails…

This is one of those it’s sad … because it’s true stories. Sorry for Cooks Source — it’s hard to see any publication have to shutter in this climate. Sorrier for the decisions that were made that got to this point.