It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Dumb as a marketing differentiator

Ina Fried – Adobe’s Mobile Flash Pullback Puts Android Tablet Makers in Tough Spot

RIM rep on their strategy going forward with regard to Flash:

“As an Adobe source code licensee, we will continue to work on and release our own implementations. RIM remains committed to delivering an uncompromised Web browsing experience to our customers, including native support for Adobe Flash Player on our BlackBerry PlayBook tablet (similar to a desktop PC browser), as well as HTML5 support on both our BlackBerry smartphone and PlayBook browsers,” RIM said in a statement to AllThingsD. “In fact, we are pleased that Adobe will focus more efforts on the opportunities that HTML5 presents for our developers, and shares our commitment to HTML5 as we discussed together at DevCon Americas.”
