Sun and Rain

This poem in the folksong 乐府 style evokes the sensory pleasures of childhood and the seasons through which these classmates have journeyed to fifth grade. The last lines foretell their upcoming Capstone trip and the new paths they will take when they part ways come spring.

今晓日兼雨 Today at dawn, there was sun along with rain,
土芳当脚脏 The earth is fragrant, and it’s fitting that my feet are dirty.
故乡隔天末 My hometown lies beyond the edge of the sky,
异客应爽心 The foreigner should have a cheerful heart.


Photography, art, and set direction: Pete Wright
Calligraphy: Yin Ping Tong
Poem selection, art direction, talent wrangling: Heather Clydesdale
Art and Set Direction, Talent Wrangling: Kira Wright
Fountain of Patience: Hong Shentu
Hand Models: Chinese Fifth graders

Sun and Rain is a three-panel triptych prepared on a unique acrylic mount. There are no frames, allowing these precious hands to float together on your wall simply.

Sun and Rain was originally offered for auction to support The International School fundraising. The school is no longer making the series available for order.

Each individual panel is 15″ x 10″; the finished hanging size is approximately 15″ x 32″ if hung in portrait orientation or 47″ x 10″ if hung in landscape.