It's me, Pete... from the podcast.

Facebook’s E-mail Censorship is Legally Dubious, Experts Say | Epicenter |

Not sure this should be a surprise, but Facebook sniffs email content exchanged on the built-in messaging platform, then censors that content. I haven’t tested this.

As outlined in the post, it’s not unusual for content to be deconstructed algorithmically, it’s done all the time. And email shouldn’t be considered private by any stretch. But the fact that Facebook is then censoring that data wholesale amps up the discussion about Facebook falling out of favor with some. ran a test using a torrent file linked on the Pirate Bay to confirm: confirmed Facebook is blocking private messages by sending a link to a Pirate Bay torrent feed of a book in the public domain. Such content is freely available to everyone, as all copyrights have expired. Nevertheless, the message bounced twice, returning the following failure notice: “This Message Contains Blocked Content. Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook users.” (Facebook’s link-censoring system is may be just tilting at windmills, however, because removing a single vowel from the domain name lets the URL go through.)

In the case of’s test, there were only two Facebook users who should have been aware of the content — editor John C. Abell and his message’s intended recipient, who was sitting five feet from him — and neither had the slightest objection to it whatsoever.

The whole post is worth reading.

YouTube – Ironing Man

Yes. Ironing Man. I’ve watched it four times. It’s not good, although, at the same time, it’s absolutely brilliant. Go figure, right? Off to number five…

The Third Way: A Narrowly Tailored Broadband Framework –

Here’s the latest framework from Julius Genachowski. I’ve only just skimmed it, but so far some interesting comments re the Comcast decision which so horrendously knee-capped the FCC.

One, the Commission could continue relying on Title I “ancillary” authority, and try to anchor actions like reforming universal service and preserving an open Internet by indirectly drawing on provisions in Title II of the Communications Act (e.g., sections 201, 202, and 254) that give the Commission direct authority over entities providing “telecommunications services.”

Two, the Commission could fully “reclassify” Internet communications as a “telecommunications service,” restoring the FCC’s direct authority over broadband communications networks but also imposing on providers of broadband access services dozens of new regulatory requirements.

I have serious reservations about both of these approaches.

From the sound of it, no one is happy about the FCC’s latest direction, least of which is the FCC. Worth reading if you have even a remote interest in access and fair practice in broadband.

Kobo eReader Available for Pre-Order

Not the most glowing review Borders has posted to highlight their new Kindle/Nook-esque ereader. Inauspicious marketing launch.

…Kobo is considerably cheaper than other eReaders. The design aims to make eReading more accessible to book lovers. – The Wall Street Journal

Court Says Internet Filtering in Public Libraries Not Censorship

Terrible news for freedom of information for the public. As much as we may find some content distasteful, filtering in public libraries kickstarts a dangerous trend that impacts those who use their library as their only access to the internet.

ongoing by Tim Bray · HTML5 and the Web

Bray is so centered on this issue. I need to dial down my own rhetoric on the subject. He says clearly what takes me far too many words to describe vis my feelings on Flash.

What’s not to like, then? Well, the user experience, which in my experience is fourth-rate for anything but games; No “Back” button, feaugh. And of the course the fact that it remains essentially proprietary.

So, I use a Flash-blocker every day, and I am not a friend of Flash inside Google, but none of my arguments have anything to do with being part of the Web, or not.

From Jason Rosenthal’s email to network creators this afternoon:

As long-time Network Creators, you no doubt already see the value of Ning. We intend to focus our efforts 100% on meeting your needs and building the features you’ve requested. The phasing out of free services won’t happen until July, and we’ll be providing those who can’t join us with a clear migration path at that time.

Well. It’s good to know that now, after years in service, they’re going to start meeting our needs.

All snark aside, I think this is probably a good move for the company as the reality of the Free Market Culture sets in and more and more organizations realize it’s time to, you know, make some money. Ning has been a terrific tool for many of my clients, but once you hit the ceiling on functionality, you’re locked up. API access is coming, apparently, which is good for developers, and more flexibility in custom designs, too.

Which is all great. But I just got off the phone with the owner of a terrific Ning network looking to move the site and all his members to a new platform in the wake of all the changes and the deteriorating service over the last year. And he is already a paying customer.

I hope they can pull it together and that the new premium model isn’t a day late, dollar short.

Cause migrating networks is a massive pain.

The Zombie Table!

Yes, I’m exactly the sort of person who reposts links to things like “The Zombie Table.” You shouldn’t even have to ask.

Behold, the Zombie tested and victim approved Safe Bedside Table. Getting rushed by flesheaters? No problem! The Safe Bedside Table has a removable leg that acts as a club and a top that doubles as a shield for self-defense.

Is H.264 a legal minefield for video pros? – CNET News

With all the hoopla around video codecs, both open and closed source, here’s a bit of reporting covering MPEG LA terms around what is poised to be the next great standard on the net, h.264. Why does this matter? Because of patents, someone has to pay when I produce a video for a client which is later sold. And there are always patents. This story certainly goes a long way to ease my own concerns over royalty payments to patent holders, particularly the last part, emphasis mine:

“Realistically, it’s unlikely that a consumer who unwittingly plays a video clip from an unlicensed source is going to be pursued by MPEG-LA or by patent owners. The legal framework for patent damages is different than it is in the copyright area, so you’re not likely to see lawsuits against ordinary consumers, like some of the highly publicized suits filed by the RIAA [Recording Industry of America] in the United States,” Homiller said.

Another way where professionals can get off the hook for payments is if the video is broadcast for free over the Internet. Earlier this year, MPEG LA extended through 2015 a provision that means streaming H.264 video over the Net requires no royalty payments as long as anyone can see the video without paying.

Microsoft confirms, kills Courier in one fell swoop

Yup, predictable. From Engadget:

It seems, however, that things just didn’t manage to take shape, and word was handed down very recently that the incubation period had reached its conclusion – sans product – and resources would be directed elsewhere.

As a final note, I still love my currently-available-in-stores iPad.

What Would Nick Denton Pay For These Things I Found In A Bar

I think this is the first thing I’ve posted about the lost iPhone. I was going to swear that I would make this the last thing I’d post on the lost iPhone too, but as the story goes on, it’s getting almost too interesting not to share. In the mean time, this is too good not to pass on.

How Much do Music Artists Earn Online? [INFOGRAPHIC]

This about hits my assumption that sticking with the independent route hits the sweet spot. More important is keeping a balanced portfolio and avoiding exclusives. Other artists out there seeing the same?

(thanks @CurtSiffert)

Thoughts on Flash

From Jobs missive on Flash today:

Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.

Of course, Adobe is going to make a great product for authoring in HTML5 and so on, because a great-big-non-trivial-part-of-the-business exists to do that. But by saying this out loud, Jobs just guaranteed that Adobe will be resentful the whole time.

On FiveThirtyEight: Double Down by the Numbers: Unhealthiest Sandwich Ever?

No, no it’s not the most disgusting thing you could eat today, but it’s still tremendously disgusting. Insofar as it’s a reach to find anything surprising here, I suppose I’m chewing on the point that the Big Mac is, in fact, less disgusting than the Double-Down.